Boende & måltider
Official hotel:
Quality Hotel Grand Borås
Hallbergsplatsen 2
503 30 Borås
Hotel Grand Borås Länk till annan webbplats.
Hotel accommodation must be booked through the Organizer via ORS latest December 28, 2023
All room rates include breakfast, VAT and free Wi-Fi.
Single room 1400 SEK/room and night
Double room 1600 SEK/room and night
Triple room 1950 SEK/room and night
Hotel rooms must be booked through the Organizing Committee.
Teams can book meals, lunch and dinner, starting on Wednesday lunch and ending with Sunday lunch except Friday dinner. Meals can be booked at the arena or at Quality Grand Hotel.
Cost per meal and person is 120 SEK
Quality Grand Hotel:
Cost per meal and person is 165 SEK for lunch and 195 SEK for dinner
All meals have to be pre booked. Meal tickets will be given out per country at the accreditation on site.
The meals will be paid by invoice to be sent out after the final entry day.
The Official Dinner
The Official Dinner for the Officials, coaches and skaters will be held on Friday evening 20:00 at Orangeriet in Stadsparken (2 min walk from Quality Hotel Grand Borås). The dinner cost is 450 SEK/ person.
All banquet tickets must be pre booked by each Member The dinner will be paid by invoice to be sent out after the final entry day.
Meal tickets will be distributed to the Team Leaders at the time of registration according to bookings.
Publicerad: 2023-11-03
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-11-03